Price list
Dear visitor!
We regret to inform you that we are currently completely out of stock.
Our prices are listed as wholesale prices .
their contact information can be found on the Contact page
Our net prices:
Diameter Packaging
Net price/flow meter
ACK Ø6 100 m. tekercs
110 Ft
ACK Ø8 100 m. tekercs
155 Ft
ACK Ø10 100 m. tekercs
265 Ft
ACK Ø12 50 m. tekercs
370 Ft
ACK Ø14 12 m. szál
535 Ft
You can place an order by filling out the form on the Contact page.
További átmérők mint:
ACK Ø14, ACK Ø16, ACK Ø18, ACK Ø20- 12 méteres szálban.
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